04 Feb

Viego Runes, as it boils down to this, is the very first crossover winner in League of Legends. The Ruined King himself is not only being added into the MOBA, but he's getting a complete single-player game made about him too.

But, his crossover isn't a joke appearance. He has the real power to alter the meta radically, especially in the jungle along with top lane. If you want to pick up Viego if he releases on League patch 11.2, we've got everything you want to know .

Viego's abilities

Viego's kit is the best of all the bruisers. He has recovery inbuilt to his passive, has an execute on his ultimate, and if you are able to fall behind, you can steal an enemy's soul and then utilize their fed items rather. Pretty good deal, right?

Passive: Sovereign's Domination

Viego's passive is possibly the strongest part of his kit. It allows him to possess enemies as soon as they die, picking up their abilities and items, in addition to an ultimate reset. If you manage to pick off the enemy carry, Viego Runes can possess them and tear throughout the fight.

Q: Blade of the Ruined King

How apt of a name for your Ruined King. His Q is a fairly easy waveclear tool, but its passive is interesting. He deals a percentage of the target's latest health as on-hit harm, double hitting after using an ability. 

This means you'll want to weave in automobile attacks between your ability casts to heal from those charges, as well as maximise your DPS.

W: Spectral Maw

That can be Viego's gapcloser and CC skill, all in one. Viego Runes charges up and dashes forward, stunning the very first enemy struck. The stun length raises, but the dashboard range and damage don't as you control it. You can tap it for a fast refresh of your Q passive, or surprise enemies with a huge charge from out of eyesight.

E: Harrowed Path

LoL Viego's Harrowed Path makes him deadly from the jungle. He spreads mist along terrain, getting camouflaged and gaining attack rate and movement speed while fighting inside. You are going to want to through this down at the onset of each trade, using the invisibility to lurk around.

R: Heartbreaker

His ultimate is fairly straightforward. He dashes forward, attacking the lowest-health enemy in range, dealing harm based on their missing wellbeing. It is an execute he's on refresh with his passive, as he regenerates charges by stealing enemy bodies, letting him pull off some Darius-esque plays.

Best runes for Viego

Viego's runes are pretty flexible. As with the majority of bruisers, Viego  Runes thrives with Conqueror for extended struggles. Partnered with Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Coup de Grace ⁠-- the most normal AD duelist webpage -- he manages to keep his high DPS while also buffing his execute on non health enemies.

However, that is only one rune you may take. You may choose to take Dark Harvest and greed for heaps, getting an assassination machine by the late game rolls around. You might also opt for Grasp of the Undying if you want a more tanky construct. However, in the majority of games, Conqueror will have the best payoff.

Best build for Viego

Of course, what is the Ruined King with no sword? Viego Runes benefits a lot from Blade of the Ruined King, and while it's not a Mythic item, it's strong enough with his kit to rush .

Then you may look at what Mythic you need, and he is pretty flexible too. 

Should you need to bust through tanks, you can take Kraken Slayer. If you want more recovery, Immortal Shieldbow is good. For better dueling, you can look in Trinity Force. These are great, but Trinity Force is the very best way to go in general cases. 

A normal bruiser-duelist construct is very strong on Viego Runes from there. Death's Dance, Guardian Angel, Silvermere Dawn, and Sterak's Gage are strong. Wit's End is good situationally as well as Mortal Reminder, and when your group wants it, then you can opt to a more tanky build with selections like Force of Nature and Thornmail.

On the other end of the scale, you can opt for an assault rate on-hit build. Together with his Q scaling based on attack rate, and overall with a great deal of on-hit within his kit, you can quickly assassinate foes if you opt into high attack rate items. 

The Way to play with Viego

LoL Viego's jungle apparent is somewhat slow if you do take him into the jungle. He climbs well, but early on, he fights with a lack of DPS. Because of this slow clear, you might prefer to take him into the top lane. He could still play across the alcove to make use of his shroud, and his slow clear won't be punished.

His trading with Q passive permits him to win virtually every brief fight early also. Despite appearances that he seems weak, having the double hits and heals inbuilt means he could sustain through enemy harm, while also coping more if you weave abilities and autos together.

Regardless of how you begin -- or exactly what role you perform -- your skill max is always going to be the same: Q into E to W. His W does not gain much on levelling it up, but his E scales well late. 

In teamfights, you want to be refreshing your ultimate as much as possible. That means carrying over the souls of your enemies and putting them to use. You'll want to prioritize injury traders in many situations, however stealing the soul of a tanky foe is not a bad idea also if your team loses their frontline early.

This versatility in his kit makes him a really versatile champion. He can truly be anything his team needs, even if it's only to get a battle. The very best Viego Runes will always be able to evaluate the situation and determine what champion's soul are the very best to keep the advantage.

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